
The trip back home

We arrived the airport, just before the check-in opened. There wasn't so many people ahead of us in the queue, so it did not seem like it would take so long time to check-in. After we had deliverd our baggage at the bag-drop, we went for a snack.

We had some extra time, so we took ourselves some shopping time! The airport was so big, and there was so many fancy shops! Soon we had both spent our last pound note.

On our flight back home Siv-Eline did not have to sit with the nasty man, but she did buy a chocolatcake after all. It tasted even better without a fat, smelly guy next to her.
We spent all the time on our way back to talk about all the funny things we had experienced during our trip. We decided not to have contact with our "beer-friends". We thought that they would be crazy enough to take a trip to Trondheim to meet us. Something we did not want to, at all!
But what a holiday! We have to go back to Norway. Back to our ordinary lives, including tragic news; murder in Skaun, the pocket man's lawsuit and the bord about Bjarne Håkon Hanssen... Boring!! But, it is very inportant as well..

Maybe we are going to visit a new country later?

- Siv-Eline and Dorte

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