

I woke up to a thunderous headace. Siv-Eline was laying beside me, halfdead. What a smashing night! I must have fallen into my last drink- and dragged Siv-Eline with me. Or mabye it was the opposite way around?

At last Siv-Eline moved a little beside me. We checked the time. It was past 12.00! Great, we had missed the breakfast. The room was spinning as we tried to raise from the bed. But as they say in moulin rouge; the show must go on!

Our Wales-book recomanded the beautiful nature of Wales, so the nature it is!
We tok a gondola lift and a tramway. the gondola lift was built in 1969 and the Greate Orme Tramway, an old cable car was built in 1902. They transports visitors to the top of Grate Orme.

Our excurision was a success! The nature was fantastic, and the fresh air was refreshing to our hangover.

After a nice dinner at the hotel, where we ready for the match between Wales national rugby union team and Scotland.

Wales national rugby union team represent Wales in international rugby tournaments. They compeat annually in the Six Nations Championship with England, Franc, Ireland, Italy and Scotland.
The match was obviously a big event. The Millennium stadion was filled with screaming fans. Neither of us had ever seen a rugby match before. We had fun while we saw the game. Wales won the match, and guess what? Siv- Eline and I ended up in the pub agan. What a nigth! The fans was celebrating the whole nigth- and so did we!

- Dorte

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