
Heading for Wales!

Today is the day! We are going to Wales and we are so excited. The plane is leaving at 08:00 am from Trondheim to London. From there we will take the train to Wales. We packed in all last night and had a decent Wales evening. We listened to music and looked at photos from Cardiff. Which incidentally is the capital of Wales. It is also the largest city in Wales with an excess of 300 000 inhabitants.

We arrived the airport at 06:15 and we were pretty tired. The check-in went pretty quick and while we waited for the plane we went to grab a bite of breakfast. One hell of a nasty breakfast, no good at all!
Our seats were in the back of the plane, and we had a tv right in front of us. The seats was ordered three and three, Dorte sat by the window and I sat in the middle. Next to me was this big, fat man who smelled like shit. I tried to keep the smell out, but it was so bad that not even the big chocolate cake we ordered could keep the smell out!



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