
The trip back home

We arrived the airport, just before the check-in opened. There wasn't so many people ahead of us in the queue, so it did not seem like it would take so long time to check-in. After we had deliverd our baggage at the bag-drop, we went for a snack.

We had some extra time, so we took ourselves some shopping time! The airport was so big, and there was so many fancy shops! Soon we had both spent our last pound note.

On our flight back home Siv-Eline did not have to sit with the nasty man, but she did buy a chocolatcake after all. It tasted even better without a fat, smelly guy next to her.
We spent all the time on our way back to talk about all the funny things we had experienced during our trip. We decided not to have contact with our "beer-friends". We thought that they would be crazy enough to take a trip to Trondheim to meet us. Something we did not want to, at all!
But what a holiday! We have to go back to Norway. Back to our ordinary lives, including tragic news; murder in Skaun, the pocket man's lawsuit and the bord about Bjarne Håkon Hanssen... Boring!! But, it is very inportant as well..

Maybe we are going to visit a new country later?

- Siv-Eline and Dorte

Hangover.... again

Today we are extremely tired. We had a great time yesterday. The match was so much fun and we loved the guys. Unfortunately we missed breakfast, again... We woke up at lunch time and were so hungry. I thought I could eat a cow! After lunch we slept a couple hours, before we tried to find out what to do. Despite the fact that we had this giant hangover, we decided to go to a museum. The choice was pretty easy, we went to "The National Museum of Cardiff".

The museum was open until 7 pm, so we had plenty of time. We decided to do some research on "St Teilo's Church and the Story of the Murals." Listen up: Did you know that in the early 1980s patches of color were noticed showing through the plaster on the interior walls. These turned out to be amazing medieval wall paintings. And that layers of limewash were scraped away using doctors’ scalpels. The paintings were layered one on top of another. To uncover the lower layers and oldest paintings, the top layers had to be destroyed. Examples of the oldest paintings are very rare in Wales, so it was decided to save these. Every layer was recorded and photographed.
We thought that this was very interesting and we wanted to show you guys a picture of this paintings:

This is a picture of Christ in majesty, or as King of the earth. The Tudor roses on either side of the throne suggest that the painter was trying to link Henry Tudor’s family to God and Jesus Christ. People believed that the King’s power was God-given in Tudor times.

I can't believe that these images were painted in the Middle Ages! Let me tell you how they managed to paint these pretty paintings.The design was traced onto a plaster and the walls were sprinkled with water before being painted. Artists used organic binding materials such as buttermilk, egg yolk or linseed oil to make the paint.

Pretty cool, huh?

After the visit at the museum, we went to a cafè, took a cup of coffee and headed back to the hotel. Which by the way is awesome! The luxurious interior, the pleasant fragrance and the quiet atmosphere is just unbelievable. Maybe we can take one tiny look on the massage room again before bedtime?
.......................I want a massage!

- Siv-Eline


I woke up to a thunderous headace. Siv-Eline was laying beside me, halfdead. What a smashing night! I must have fallen into my last drink- and dragged Siv-Eline with me. Or mabye it was the opposite way around?

At last Siv-Eline moved a little beside me. We checked the time. It was past 12.00! Great, we had missed the breakfast. The room was spinning as we tried to raise from the bed. But as they say in moulin rouge; the show must go on!

Our Wales-book recomanded the beautiful nature of Wales, so the nature it is!
We tok a gondola lift and a tramway. the gondola lift was built in 1969 and the Greate Orme Tramway, an old cable car was built in 1902. They transports visitors to the top of Grate Orme.

Our excurision was a success! The nature was fantastic, and the fresh air was refreshing to our hangover.

After a nice dinner at the hotel, where we ready for the match between Wales national rugby union team and Scotland.

Wales national rugby union team represent Wales in international rugby tournaments. They compeat annually in the Six Nations Championship with England, Franc, Ireland, Italy and Scotland.
The match was obviously a big event. The Millennium stadion was filled with screaming fans. Neither of us had ever seen a rugby match before. We had fun while we saw the game. Wales won the match, and guess what? Siv- Eline and I ended up in the pub agan. What a nigth! The fans was celebrating the whole nigth- and so did we!

- Dorte

Good morning Cardiff!

What a glorious morning! Every joint and every muscle in our body is a pleasure. After the wonderful massage yesterday, we took an early evening. The breakfast tasted great, and good and full, we sat course to become familiar with the city. The trip started with a visit to Cardiff Castle. The castle was an exceptional construction and we were very fascinated by the 1800s .Cardiff Castle is one of Wales' leading heritage attractions and a site of international significance. Located at the heart of the capital, within beautiful park land, the castle's walls and fairytale towers conceal 2000 years of history!

After a long visit at the castle, we went back to town and bought ourselves an excellent dinner at the hotel restaurant. Later we went to a pub called The City Arms. The City Arms is perhaps Cardiff's, if not Wales, most famous pub. Set across the way from the majestic Millenium Stadium it has long since welcomed rugby fans from all corners of the globe.
We got really drunk with all the rugby fans and we had a great night! We came back to the hotel at 05:00 am...

We are looking forward to visit the National Museum of Wales tomorrow. But right now, we are feeling pretty bad..
Good night!

- Dorte and Siv-Eline

...hard blow

Our luggage was delayed. So, we lost the train. We are now waiting for the next train, which will take us to Cardiff where our hotel is. I bought a book that told us a little more about what we can do through our holiday. After a couple hours of waiting, the train arrived. The journey took about two hours and was well worth. Because when we got off, our taxi was ready to drive us to our hotel. We are staying at the award winning Park Plaza Cardiff. Which is perfectly located in the heart of the city centre, within walking distance of Cardiff Castle, the Millennium Stadium and the National Museum of Wales. The hotel is situated next door to the New Theatre and is just a stone's throw from the main city shopping centres.

After such a long journey, we decided to stay in the hotel for the evening. We enjoyed some delicious hours of wonderful massage, oil and exotic fragrances.

We look forward to a wonderful day tomorrow. We have planned to explore the city and find out what it has to offer!

See you!

- Dorte

Heading for Wales!

Today is the day! We are going to Wales and we are so excited. The plane is leaving at 08:00 am from Trondheim to London. From there we will take the train to Wales. We packed in all last night and had a decent Wales evening. We listened to music and looked at photos from Cardiff. Which incidentally is the capital of Wales. It is also the largest city in Wales with an excess of 300 000 inhabitants.

We arrived the airport at 06:15 and we were pretty tired. The check-in went pretty quick and while we waited for the plane we went to grab a bite of breakfast. One hell of a nasty breakfast, no good at all!
Our seats were in the back of the plane, and we had a tv right in front of us. The seats was ordered three and three, Dorte sat by the window and I sat in the middle. Next to me was this big, fat man who smelled like shit. I tried to keep the smell out, but it was so bad that not even the big chocolate cake we ordered could keep the smell out!




Wales -here we come!

Now we know what country we are travelling to, and it is ......... WALES!

We are leaving in a couple weeks and are looking forward to it. We thought we would tell a little bit about Wales before we take off. is a country that is part of the United Kingdom bordered by England to its east, and the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its west. It is also an elective region of the European Union. Wales has a population estimated at three million and is officially bilingual, with both Welsh and English having equal status; the majority use English as their first language. Hmmm... Interesting!

Here are some pictures from the capital of Wales, Cardiff. That's where we are going:

The Flag: The Flag of Wales is Y Ddraig Goch (English: A Red Dragon), consisting of a red dragon passant on a green and white field. Here it is:

Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Siv-Eline and Dorte